    Updated 2021-09-27
    with zap_out as (
    select *
    from ethereum.udm_events
    where contract_address in ('0x577c0e7a6fa416632b66b76449d55264d57143f5',
    zap_out_nodup as (
    select distinct
    block_timestamp, block_id, tx_id, origin_address, from_address, to_address, symbol, amount, amount_usd
    from ethereum.udm_events
    where tx_id in (select tx_id from zap_out)
    and origin_address = to_address

    select date_trunc('week', block_timestamp) as week
    --year(block_timestamp) || '-' || month(block_timestamp) as year_month
    , symbol
    , count(tx_id) as tx_count
    , sum(amount) as amount
    , sum(amount_USD) as amount_USD
    from zap_out_nodup
    group by 1,2
    order by 1, tx_count desc