Uniswap dashboard

    The purpose of this dashboard is to help traders decide which fee tier and pool is the best to invest in the short term, for rebalancing purposes or actively maximising return purposes.

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    Pool Return vs. TVL - past 7 days

    The following summarises the 1 day and 7 day change of the total fee collected. This metric helps traders track which fee tier has been gaining more activities lately so they can switch to the fee pool that generates the most fees. Therefore the time horizon is only short-term.

    Historically there has been a negative correlation between TVL and pool return (Total fees collected / TVL). The higher the TVL, the lower the pool return. On the other hand, the higher the total fees collected, the higher the pool return. Looking at both the 7 day % change of the total fees collected and the TVL, traders can know what is causing the return to increase/decrease. If TVL has been increasing and the fees collected has been decreasing, no doubt the return will drop, vice versa. But if one of them is not changing much, then it's easy to know the other one is the cause.

    Theoretically, the higher the efficiency (Trade Volume / TVL) the higher the pool return. When the pool has been utilised more, the more fees will be collected given a certain TVL. Efficiency is another metric to help traders decide which fee tier to be in.

    The top 10 is ranked by total trade volumes in the past 7 days. Note that it is not reasonable to rank by pool return because the top ones would all be those with very low TVL (i.e. small denominator giving a high return ratio).

    Since the USDC-WETH 0.3% fee pool has always been the one with the most trade volume since the inception of Uniswap v3 in May 2021, it is more useful to look at the efficiency and TVL among the top 10 to see which pool is the best to invest in.

    There is always a trade-off between TVL and efficiency. High TVL pools are less affected by impermanent loss but might not have as high of an efficiency as the lower TVL pools. Traders can look at these two metrics to make a decision based on their preferences of the trade-off.

    Top 10 pools by trade volume - past 7 days

    Pool Return vs. Efficiency - past 7 days

    Top 10 pools by trade volume - past 3 day

    Similarly, the top 10 ranked by total trade volume in the past 3 day is also USDC-WETH 0.3% fee. So the pool return and TVL are extra metrics to help trades to decide which pool to invest in.
