Optimistic Bears (Redux)
Analyze Optimism during the recent bear as markets were turbulent, showing whatever metrics you care to unearth.
the main problem is simple. what is going on Optimism and showing the status of Optimism in July. as my opinion at first we should consider the part the optimism is working and focused. Optimism is multi purpose and general L2 blockchain that main goal is reduce pressure from Ethereum to increase Ethereum scalability. so all stage that Ethereum is active can be one of Optimism goal to working on. because of this year is start of L2 and Optimism is one of first real L2 blockchain, at this step i decide to review activity of Optimism to main goals of blockchain and DeFi. this contain topics Stablecoins Activity, Swaps, NFTs but there is lot's of topics that i probably will write second part of this article with this topics. topics like Bot activity, Bridge information, GameFi, Lending and Borrowing. so talk is cheap let’s see Charts.

Stablecoins Transfer Transactions
Goal: today stablecoins are one of basis of DeFi and blockchains and the amount of usage of stablecoins has direct relationship with usage of network. lending and borrowing, DEXs, collateral are things that can’t be done without Stablecoins. so with this situation i decide to compare and review volume and usage of top stablecoins in Optimism. i choose USDC,USDT,DAI,LUSD for this review. in table bellow i write contract address of this stablecoins plus decimal of this token because the amount tokens that transferred that written in blockchain or Flipside database not real amount and is value of this token with decimal that need to be divided to get real value.
Contract | Decimals | |
USDC | 0x7f5c764cbc14f9669b88837ca1490cca17c31607 | 6 |
USDT | 0x94b008aa00579c1307b0ef2c499ad98a8ce58e58 | 6 |
DAI | 0xda10009cbd5d07dd0cecc66161fc93d7c9000da1 | 18 |
LUSD | 0xc40f949f8a4e094d1b49a23ea9241d289b7b2819 | 18 |
- July can be devided in two part.
- first half that metrics are low
- second half that metrics increased between 2 to 7 times ( as we close to end of month this metrics increase more )
- like Ethereum, USDC has best status among stablecoins ( like ethereum)
- Velodrome proof the fact that, good project with good comunity can and backup can beat most famous and powerfull project from L1
- the volume and status of Optimism NFTs are so low and this shows NFTs are one of topic less attention has been paid to it
Swaps Transactions
Goal: one of main usage and benefit of smart contract is ability to swap on chain and change tokens.soo the volume and number of swaps is one of points that shows usage of one network. for this part i choose sushi and uni swap and tow most popular DEX in EVM blockchain and Velodrome as best exchange currently is specially work for optimism.
again and again July has two part. in second part metrics increased more than 4X. one of main points that cause this increase is for increase in usage from Velodrome.Velodrome is specially for Optimism and as time goes more Optimism community use this Dapp instead. as data shows in last week of July number and Volume of transction in Velodrome pass Uniswaps. but still in unique number of user has lot’s of problem.
NFTs Transactions
Goal: NFTs are one new aria that introduced in 2017 but increase of usage and transferred volume from 2020. in this part i want to review what is status of NFT sale in Optimism. the problem with data is there is just one a serious competitor( Quix) and i want to show amount of volume of transaction count.
charts speaks clearly! second part month and specially in last days of July all metrics increased. interning information in this chart is for Volume and as we see Volume of first days is same as last day of month. the reason for this problems is NFTs price is unpredictable and some time one NFT destroy all price information with high volume.
the volume and metrics for NFTs in Optimism is so much lower that other blockchains. becuase NFTs project compeletly depend on blockchain and they can’t change or simply goes to L2 from L1 (while for example token don’t has such problem and create 1to1 in each blockchain) so Optimism need projects that compeletely work on Optimism.
this article divided to following section :
- Transaction Status
- Stablecoins Transfer
- Swap Transaction
- NFT sale Transaction
each section divide into three parts
daily information that usually contain (some times there is exception) this info shows as bar chart
- number of TX
- number of unique address do TX
- volume for doing this TX
cumulative information of previous part this info shows as line chart
dominance info that usually shows as donut and tell some information about whole month ( if for specific part like NFT there is just one marketplace instead of donut chart, i show data as big number )
the reason for bar chart in first day is showing status of optimism network about that topic for example show number of swap or swap volume while separated by DEXs. next part i show line chart for cumulative charts to show competition between Dapps or tokens that topics for example showing competition of stablecoins in optimism. the last part i donut chart to choose best Dapps or token in that part for July. in some topic that there is just one Dapp i choose big number instead donut chart because donut chart with one item doesn’t show any thing and isn’t meaningful.
as data shows we can devide July in two Half. in first half of July, number of transaction is lower than 100K and fail transaction ratio is lower than average but in second half this ratio with number of transactions increased. clearly shows increase in usage with also new users.
like previous part data show July in transfer volume divided into to two half.first half lower value.but in second half all metrics increased. best example for this increase is Slope of charts in Cumulative chart. USDC metric has increase in slop and that shows increase in amount and usage ( if slop of cumulative chart doesn’t change, this show that chart change in fix peace but if slop increase shows value increased.the domianace chart is so intesting, transaction count and transfer volume has same percentages but unique user is a bit different and shows user of USDC has more transaction and has higher volume.