Post Merge Behavior



    The above charts shown some metrics about transferring on Ethereum. This part is another part that I expected will not be affected by the merge and all the changes seen in it are due to the market condition.

    Among all above chart, I can only say for sure that the number of transfer destinations has decreased after the merge compared to before.


    Here, I show some metrics about swaps on Ethereum. This part is exactly same as previous part.

    Among all above chart, I can only say for sure that the number of swaps count has increased after the merge compared to before.



    This part shows NFT market condition on Ethereum before and after the merge.

    NFT is one of the sample that we cant see any notable change between before and after the merge on it.


    As I said in the first of the dashboard, I didn’t expect any impact of the merge on user activity.

    Although it attracted a lot of attention during this period and all the news was about this incident and it was called as the biggest update in the history of blockchain, but all this did not change the behavior of users. Maybe if it had happened in a better situation in terms of the global economic conditions, it would have attracted newer users to the crypto world, but this did not happen at the moment!

    What is the Merge?

    The Merge represents the Ethereum network’s shift to proof-of-stake (PoS), its new system (also called a “consensus mechanism”) for authenticating crypto transactions. The new system will replace proof-of-work (PoW), the more power-hungry mechanism pioneered by Bitcoin.


    Why is it called the Merge?

    Ethereum already has a PoS network called the Beacon Chain (introduced in 2020), but it is not yet used for processing transactions. For now, it’s essentially just a staging area for computers operating the Ethereum network to prepare for the PoS upgrade.

    Ethereum’s full transition to PoS requires merging the Beacon Chain (called the “Consensus” layer) with Ethereum’s PoW mainnet (the “Execution” layer).



    Following topics shown in this dashboard:

    • Blocks structures
    • Transferring
    • Swapping
    • NFTs


    The merge happened on September 15 on block number 15537394. I used following tables to show what I want.

    ethereum.core.fact_blocks, ethereum.core.ez_eth_transfers, ethereum.core.ez_dex_swaps, and ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales

    Blocks structures:

    I show hourly difficulty here. As you probably know, miners have to moved after the merge because mining is no longer justified, and to get a reward, you only need some staked Ethereum rather than computing machines, so the difficulty of the network is no longer meaningful.

    • The network difficulty does not exist after the merge.

    The average hourly block age shown on the above chart. This metric is one of another ones that change clearly after the merge.

    • Before the merge the block age fluctuated a lot but after that it became much more stable than before.

    The hourly transactions count shown on the above chart. This metric is one of the user activity that I expected will not be affected by the merge and all the changes seen in it are due to the global economy.

    • Number of transaction has decreased slightly compared to before the merge.

    Here showed gas used for blocks.

    • gas used has decreased slightly compared to before the merge.

    Author's expectations:

    Usually, in writing an article, the author should not have a preconceived idea of the possible result of the article because it can affect the result of the article, but here I want to say first, according to the study I had in the past about the merge process, users do not feel any change. and all changes are on the side of consensus and miners/validators.