elsinaUntitled Query
    Updated 2022-09-08
    -- select
    -- block_timestamp::date as day,
    -- count(FROM_ADDRESS) as Application,
    -- sum(Application) over (partition by PROJECT_NAME order by day) as grow_rate
    -- from arbitrum.core.fact_transactions x join arbitrum.core.dim_labels y on x.TO_ADDRESS= y.address
    -- where label_subtype != 'token_contract'
    -- and LABEL_TYPE ='dex'
    -- and STATUS = 'SUCCESS'
    -- group by 1,2
    select DISTINCT (y.ADDRESS_NAME, y.Address)
    from arbitrum.core.fact_token_transfers tx join arbitrum.core.dim_labels y on tx.CONTRACT_ADDRESS= y.address
    where tx.TO_ADDRESS = lower('0x489ee077994B6658eAfA855C308275EAd8097C4A')

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