elsina✅ staking: 1. Staking Over time: weekly
    Updated 2023-11-06
    date_trunc('week', block_timestamp) as "Day",
    action as "Actions",
    count(distinct tx_id) as "tx count",
    count(distinct delegator_address) as "Unique wallet",
    sum(amount / pow(10, decimal)) as "Volume",
    avg(amount / pow(10, decimal)) as "AVG volume",
    sum("tx count") over (partition by "Actions" order by "Day") as "Cum tx count",
    sum("Volume") over (partition by "Actions" order by "Day") as "Cum volume"
    from osmosis.core.fact_staking
    tx_succeeded = TRUE and
    currency = 'uosmo'
    group by 1, 2
    order by 1

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