Currency Interactions on Terra

    Over the last 90 days, for each active address on Terra, characterize the # Currencies Transacted with, as well as frequency and volume of those transactions [address x currency x stat]. This is a dashboard showing the addresses interactions with currencies on the Terra Ecosystem, and directly answers the questions exhibited above.

    Currency Interactions

    The following table shows all addresses that interacted with terra currencies in the last 90 days. The table is ordered from highest to lowest according to volume and frequency.

    Name of address—if available—was preserved to provide easier understanding about the address.

    Top 10 Addresses by Frequency of Interaction


    Active addresses were operationalized as those who had at least 1 non-zero transaction in the past 90 days. In more technical terms, active users were those who issued an event from their addresses with a positive event amount (in USD), within 90 days period.


    Top 10 Addresses by Volume


    Top 10 Address Frequencies according to Currencies


    Volume per Currency in the Last 90 Days

    Next we explore the USD volume for transactions involving each one of the currencies on the Terra Ecosystem. The list is ordered from highest volume to lowest. The table gives an insight about the most transacted currencies by volume on Terra.


    Frequency of Interaction with Terra Currencies in the Past 90 Days


    The following table gives an insight about the times a currency was involved in a transaction. The list is ordered by Frequency from highest to lowest.

    We can note that the most frequently interacted currency (KRT) is not the same as the most transacted currency (LUNA) as seen in the previous table.