LUNA Validators for MINE Stakers

    For addresses that are staking MINE right now, what validators do they prefer for their LUNA staking? Are there any trends or commonalities?

    Validator Preferences for MINE Stakers

    Data were collected on Current MINE stakers to investigate their LUNA staking behavior. All coming mentions for MINE-stakers are meant to indicate the currently MINE staking ones.

    All LUNA staking delegation transactions at all times were counted for the MINE stakers population. A certain preference emerged. It seems that MINE stakers prefer to delegate their LUNA to Orion Money, a very dominant validator in the Terra scene, followed by Terran One (about -50% delegations than Orion Money!), then by Mosaic.

    The following table shows all LUNA validator preferences by MINE stakers. The Counts columns, as the name tells, count the number of LUNA staking transactions with the corresponding validator. Validator addresses and validator labels were shown—Some validator addresses were not labeled, so their hash was kept.


    We also visualized the top 20 LUNA validators chosen by MINE stakers in the following chart.

    Comparison, Trend & Commonality


    To see how MINE stakers stand in their LUNA delegation behavior, we compared them to the wider non-MINE staking community.

    MINE & non-MINE stakers shared the same preference for the TOP 3 LUNA validators (i.e. both populations have the exact same TOP 3 validators; Orion Money, Terran One then Mosaic respectively). They also shared preference towards the 20th rank (the least of our limit TOP 20 list), which went to DokiaCapital.

    Most of the variability is taking place at the less popular validators level. For example, MissionControl appears in the MINE-stakers top 20 validators list (ranked 16th), but doesn't appear in the non-MINE stakers list at all.

    Similarly, Stake5 Labs appears in the Top 20 validators list for non-MINE stakers, but doesn't appear in the MINE-stakers list.

    The following chart plots (reversed)ranks of the top 20 validators preference for each population. A higher value indicates higher preference, and 1 indicates the least preference.

    Short Discussion

    On the most part, MINE-stakers don't seem to deviate from the wider community. The marketing power and dominance of the top validators had likely reached everybody on the ecosystem.

    More variability is taking place with niche validators. Many reasons can be behind this. It might be both related to unique tendencies of MINE-stakers and their exposure to new upcoming projects and interesting news, but also there is the elements of beginnerness and inexperience of using the ecosystem for new enterers.

    This latter can introduce some randomness and uncertainty for the true motivation behind MINE-stakers choosing certain validators with different preferences than the wider community.

    Of course, more data (survey?) on why delegators choose their validators could help in tackling this issue.