eslamis-darkatto and from 9
    Updated 2022-09-28
    with from_axl as(select COUNT(DISTINCT TX_ID ) as number_of_swaps,sum(FROM_AMOUNT*price/1e6) as volume
    from osmosis.core.fact_swaps , osmosis.core.dim_labels a join osmosis.core.dim_prices b on a.label = b.SYMBOL
    where FROM_CURRENCY = 'ibc/903A61A498756EA560B85A85132D3AEE21B5DEDD41213725D22ABF276EA6945E' and POOL_IDS[0]=812
    to_axl as(SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT TX_ID ) as number_of_swaps,sum(TO_AMOUNT*price/1e6) as volume
    from osmosis.core.fact_swaps , osmosis.core.dim_labels a join osmosis.core.dim_prices b on a.label = b.SYMBOL
    where TO_CURRENCY = 'ibc/903A61A498756EA560B85A85132D3AEE21B5DEDD41213725D22ABF276EA6945E' and POOL_IDS[0]=812
    select *,'from_axl_to_other_tokens' as event
    from from_axl
    select *,'to_axl_from_other_tokens' as event
    from to_axl
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