Updated 2022-09-25
    with before_merge as (select date_trunc('hour', block_timestamp) as date, count(*) as count_of_transactions
    , count_of_transactions/3600 as TPS
    from ethereum.core.fact_transactions
    where date>='2022-09-8' And date<='2022-09-15 07:00:00.000'
    GROUP BY 1
    after_merge as (select date_trunc('hour', block_timestamp) as date, count(*) as count_of_transactions
    ,count_of_transactions/3600 as TPS
    from ethereum.core.fact_transactions
    where date>'2022-09-15 07:00:00.000' And date<='2022-09-21'
    GROUP BY 1

    SELECT *,'before_merge' as time
    FROM before_merge
    SELECT *,'after_merge' as time
    FROM after_merge
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