eslamis-darkatdistribution 7
    Updated 2022-09-29
    with metamask as (
    select distinct origin_from_address as unique_address
    from ethereum.core.fact_event_logs
    where lower(contract_address) = lower('0x881D40237659C251811CEC9c364ef91dC08D300C')
    metamask2 as ( SELECT CURRENT_BAL,user_address
    from ethereum.core.ez_current_balances join metamask on user_address = unique_address
    where symbol = 'ETH' and TOKEN_NAME='Native Ether')
    select count(user_address) as number_of_wallets,
    case when CURRENT_BAL < 1 then '0 < ETH < 1'
    when CURRENT_BAL >= 1 and CURRENT_BAL < 10 then '1 < ETH < 10'
    when CURRENT_BAL >= 10 and CURRENT_BAL < 100 then '10 < ETH < 100'
    when CURRENT_BAL >= 100 and CURRENT_BAL < 1000 then '100 < ETH < 1000'
    when CURRENT_BAL >= 1000 and CURRENT_BAL < 10000 then '1000 < ETH < 10000'
    else 'ETH > 10000' end as distribution
    from metamask2
    group by distribution
    ORDER by number_of_wallets DESC

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