fanta2) fees accumulation over time
    Updated 2022-04-18
    with tbl1 as
    select sum(asset_amount/1e6) as GARD_amounts,date(block_timestamp::date) as dt from algorand.asset_transfer_transaction
    where sender='J2E2XXS4FTW3POVNZIHRIHTFRGOWEWX65NFYIVYIA27HUK63NWT65OLB2Y' and asset_id=684649988
    group by dt

    ,tbl2 as
    select count(distinct asset_receiver) as GARD_wallets ,date(block_timestamp::date) as dt from algorand.asset_transfer_transaction
    where sender='J2E2XXS4FTW3POVNZIHRIHTFRGOWEWX65NFYIVYIA27HUK63NWT65OLB2Y' and asset_id=684649988
    group by dt

    ,tbl3 as
    select sum(fee) as fee from algorand.transactions
    where asset_id=684649988

    ,tbl4 as
    select sum(fee) as fee,date(block_timestamp::date) as dt from algorand.transactions
    where asset_id=684649988
    group by dt
    ,tbl5 as
    select sum(amount) as algo from algorand.payment_transaction

    select * from tbl4
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