fantaActive users transactions over daily time frame
    Updated 2022-07-03
    with definition as (select tx_receiver,count(*) as acount from mdao_near.transactions
    where block_timestamp::date > getdate() - interval '1 month'
    group by tx_receiver
    having count(*) > 2)

    , top10citizen as (select tx_receiver, acount from definition
    order by acount DESC
    limit 10)
    , top10transactions as (select count(*),block_timestamp::date as tdate, tx_receiver from mdao_near.transactions
    where tdate > getdate() - interval '3 month' and tx_receiver in (select tx_receiver from top10citizen)
    group by tdate, tx_receiver)
    , active_users_transactions as (select block_timestamp::date as tdate ,count(*) from mdao_near.transactions
    where tdate> getdate() - interval '3 month' and tx_receiver in (select tx_receiver from definition)
    group by tdate)
    select * from active_users_transactions
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