1M New Algorand Wallets In May
Amount of algo wallets over 100 M algos: *Jan 2020:21 *Jan 2021:17 *current: 4 Over 10 million algos: *2020: 105 *2021: 121 *current: 196 Over 1 million *2020: 183 *2021: 251 *current: 554 Over 100k *2020:338 *2021:614 *current:1,335 Over 10k: *2020: 637 *2021: 2,721 *Current: 9,155 Over 1k *2020: 1,409 *2021: 13,092 *current: 54,722 So, at first glance, the creation and expansion of smaller and medium size wallets is rapidly outpacing larger wallets. especially for accounts over 1/10 thousand. From May 4th to May 10 we saw over a million wallets being created. What are these new wallets doing on Algorand? Some things to look at: -Using the account table, show the distribution of ALGOs these wallets have? -Are these wallets swapping assets? If so, what assets are these wallets swapping for? -What assets do these wallets hold using the account_asset table? -Do we see any commonalities our patterns across these wallets? these are the questions so lets anw