Flash Bounty: Reddit NFTs

    Reddit is officially in the NFT game. Find 3 metrics to compare the Reddit NFT launch to the launches of other major NFTs. Add any other interesting metrics comparing this launch to Polygon NFTs in general


    as you see in this part I want to analysis the reddit and pos at some blocks.

    as you see in this part I want to analyze the difficulty of them, by check the transaction number I see that reddits transaction number is very low and by follow this action you can see that number of them is very low, and by follow this action you can see that in some day this action(difficulty) is near to 1000 and as you see in some day this is as low as 21 and you can see that in some day this number is zero(it may because of no detail about that transaction in the block).

    so as a total view we see that just in 4 day we have detail and you see that the max number is 969 and the low number is 21 as you see both of them have the big difference with each other.

    after this part I want to analyze the other part lets start.

    so in this part I want to check the difficulty of the pos and you see that transaction number of the pos is more than reddit and because of that we can check more part. and I want to add that in some day this number is zero it can may because of the no detail of that transactions or it may because of zero difficulty of them.

    so for start the analyze we can say that as you see in the max amount of the difficulty this number is low than max number of the reddit and as you see in this part max number is 544 and the low number by except zero is 18 and as you see the low number of the difficulty again is low than min number of previous part.

    as you see agglomeration of the difficulty in the Mar, Apr and finally May is too more than other date and this is the important and interesting thing in the upper graph.

    as you see after this part I want to analyze the amount of the USD that we have access to them.

    lets start.

    as you see in this part we just access just for two day and this two day in the same date as the difficulty number was the large.

    as you know from the previous part in the 16 and 17 Aug the difficulty number was in their max and we know that in the 17 Aug this number was more than 16 and again we see that in the USD amount again in the 17 Aug is more than 16.

    we see that in the 17 Aug amount of the USD is 22.8, and in the 16 this number is 12.38.

    so we can get understand that difficulty have the same impact on the USD amount because both of them have the same slope on the reddit.

    but we should pay attention that it may this act be because of the reddit lets analysis the second NFT and see that this action has the same impact on their or not.

    lets start.

    in the previous part we see that difficulty and USD amount had the same impact on the reddit it means that by increase the one of them the second one increase.

    by analyze this part we see that previous action is not giving us the same result because you can see that in the 19 Jun the max number of the amount happen, and when you check that difficulty graph, we see that in that day the min difficulty happens so we can understand that both of them not have the same act.

    and as you see in the 2 Mar when the max difficulty happens, the USD amount is in their min.

    and in this part we see that the max amount is 3375 and the low amount is 2.85.

    so in this part we see that difficulty and USD amount of the pos is not as same as reddit.


    because of the low number of the transactions we can see that different part in the reddit is very low.

    as you see in the upper graph most of the transaction related to call_0 by 32.6 % of the total transaction and after that place of 2 and 3 related to the call_1 and call_origin.

    and after this the past 2 is not important because as you see percent of them is low than 1 %.

    but we can say that reddits performance in the dispense of the transaction is very good because transactions really very good include to all part.

    so at the end lets analysis the pos performance in the identifier part.

    as you see in this part the type of the identifier is too more than previous part and as you know this is because of the transaction number that I said in the previous part.

    so for the total view we can say that most of the percent in the pos part related to the call-origin and as you know from previous part this types performance in their was good.


    in this dashboard we analyze the reddit NFT with other NFT and we get some conclusion and they are:

    • because of the low transaction of the reddit we earn just some difficulty that the max number was near 1000 and min number was 21.
    • in the difficulty of the pos part we see that max number is 544, and low number is 18.
    • in the compare of the difficulty of the NFT we see that reddits is more than pos in the max and min number.
    • in the USD amount we see that pos amount is too more than reddits.
    • impact of the difficulty and USD amount is the same, in the reddit part.(both of them have the same slope of impact on the reddit)
    • impact of the difficulty and USD amount is the opposed, in the pos part.(have the opposed slope of impact on the pos, it mean when one of them increase the other one decrease.)
    • type of the identifier of the reddit is low than pos.
    • dispensing of the transaction in the reddit is very better than pos because transaction dispense with the all type.
    • most of the transaction in the both NFT related to the call-origin.(most, mean by percentage)

    thank you because of your attention.

    Reddit NFT: Everything You Need to Know about Reddit CryptoSnoos NFTs

    Reddit, a social news platform, has consistently supported cryptocurrency as a method of in-app payment. Trying to get to grips with cryptocurrencies and native REDDIT NFT assets looks promising for Reddit’s adventure into decentralized finance, from Karma and trophies to the notion of cryptocurrencies within the many subreddits. This article is all about Reddit CryptoSnoos NFTs. Let’s take a look at it in more detail.

    What Is Reddit?

    Reddit is a social networking site where users can share, debate, and vote on content. It was founded in 2005. Posts can earn upvotes or downvotes from users, and these votes influence the post’s success and site search ranking.

    What is an NFT?

    Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are blockchain-based data storage units that affirm the distinctiveness of digital goods. They cannot be swapped for or exchanged for one another and are indeed non-fungible. NFTs can be compared to digital trading cards

    What is Reddit Avatar?

    Reddit avatars are created by independent artists and then issued as NFTs on the Polygon blockchain. Users who post content on a well-known social networking site may later add it and display it as their profile picture.

    After being bought, the NFTs can be traded and bought on secondary markets like OpenSea. While some collections have floor prices over $2,000, others receive few to no bids. NFT currents from Reddit can be purchased for up to 18 ether.

    What is Reddit Vault?

    Your virtual wallet on Reddit is called a Vault. It facilitates the storage and upkeep of digital goods based on blockchain for Reddit users, including collectible avatars. When your vault is created, you will be given a public address, and you must guard it. Your individual Collectible Avatar storage location on Ethereum-compatible blockchains is the public address.
