farid-c9j0VM2nd half of 2021 VS first half of 2022
    Updated 2022-07-01
    with second_half_2021 as (
    select Count(tx_id) /count(DISTINCT block_id) as avg_tx_per_block,Count(DISTINCT sender) as num_sender
    from flipside_prod_db.algorand.application_call_transaction
    where BLOCK_TIMESTAMP >= '2021-07-01' and BLOCK_TIMESTAMP <'2022-01-01'

    first_half_2022 as(
    select Count(tx_id)/count(DISTINCT block_id) as avg_tx_per_block,Count(DISTINCT sender) as num_sender
    from flipside_prod_db.algorand.application_call_transaction
    where BLOCK_TIMESTAMP >= '2022-01-01' and BLOCK_TIMESTAMP <='2022-06-29'

    select 'second_half_2021'as type , * from second_half_2021
    union all
    select 'first_half_2022'as type , * from first_half_2022

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