farid-c9j0VMsale volume per day by collection
    Updated 2022-07-01
    trunc(block_timestamp,'day') as date,
    sum(price) as volume_sales,
    sum(volume_sales) over (partition by nft_collection order by date) as cum_volume,
    count(distinct buyer) as n_buyers,
    sum(n_buyers) over (partition by nft_collection order by date) as cum_buyers,
    count(distinct tx_id) as n_sales,
    sum(n_sales) over (partition by nft_collection order by date) as cum_sales,
    when nft_collection = 'A.0b2a3299cc857e29.TopShot' then 'NBA Top Shot'
    when nft_collection = 'A.e4cf4bdc1751c65d.AllDay' then 'NFL All Day'
    when nft_collection = 'A.329feb3ab062d289.UFC_NFT' then 'UFC Strike'
    when nft_collection = 'A.e4cf4bdc1751c65d.PackNFT' then 'NFL All Day - Packs'
    end as Collection
    from flow.core.fact_nft_sales
    where block_timestamp>='2022-01-01'
    and nft_collection in ('A.0b2a3299cc857e29.TopShot','A.e4cf4bdc1751c65d.AllDay','A.329feb3ab062d289.UFC_NFT','A.e4cf4bdc1751c65d.PackNFT')
    group by 1,2
    having volume_Sales >1000
    order by 1 asc
    Run a query to Download Data