farid-c9j0VMRUNE upgrade over the past 60 days
    Updated 2022-06-29
    with bnbrune as (
    SELECT date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as date, sum(rune_amount),count(DISTINCT from_address)
    FROM thorchain.upgrades
    WHERE burn_asset like '%BNB%'
    and date >= CURRENT_DATE - 180
    group by 1),

    ethrune as(
    SELECT date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as date, sum(rune_amount),count(DISTINCT from_address)
    FROM thorchain.upgrades
    WHERE burn_asset like '%ETH%'
    and date >= CURRENT_DATE -180
    group by 1)

    select 'bnb-rune'as type , * from bnbrune
    union all
    select 'eth-rune'as type , * from ethrune
    Run a query to Download Data