farid-c9j0VMweth,wbtc,dai,usdc,uni avg supply rates
    Updated 2022-08-11
    select RESERVE_NAME as token,AVG(SUPPLY_RATE) as supply_rates,AVG(BORROW_RATE_STABLE) as borrow_stable_rate,AVG(BORROW_RATE_VARIABLE) as borrow_variable_rate,
    rank () over(order by supply_rates desc) as rank1,
    rank () over(order by borrow_stable_rate desc) as rank2,
    rank () over(order by borrow_variable_rate desc) as rank3
    from flipside_prod_db.aave.market_stats
    where AAVE_VERSION = 'Aave V2'
    and RESERVE_NAME in ('WETH' , 'WBTC' , 'DAI' , 'USDC' , 'UNI')
    group by 1
    order by 2,3,4 desc
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