Flipside CommunitySolana Wrapped (part 1) copy
    -- forked from Solana Wrapped (part 1) @ https://flipsidecrypto.xyz/edit/queries/b501d3dc-a758-4b89-8b3a-3966c0b1fb83

    -- different methodology from other chains: both 1st and 2nd tx in 2023, instead of just 2nd tx in 2023 and 2st anytime

    with number_of_transactions as (
    distinct signer,
    num_txs as cnt
    from solana.core.ez_signers
    where first_tx_date >= '2023-01-01'
    and first_tx_date < '2024-01-01'
    and num_txs >=2
    select 'all' as type, count_if(cnt >0) as number_of_users from number_of_transactions
    union all
    select '> 5 txns' as type, count_if(cnt >5) as number_of_users from number_of_transactions
    union all
    select '> 20 txns' as type, count_if(cnt >20) from number_of_transactions
    union all
    select '> 50 txns' as type, count_if(cnt >50) from number_of_transactions
    union all
    select '> 100 txns' as type, count_if(cnt >100) from number_of_transactions

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