MetaMask Versus UniSwap and SushiSwap

    In this dashboard we are going to see some information about Metamask users and compare them to other well known platforms of UniSwap and SushiSwap...


    Time to get more precise as promised before in Total MetaMask Users dashboard. Getting more involved with metamask means geting more comfortable in mastering you WEB3 skills and duties; Why? We are entering an era of decentralized ownership and finance; We might be in first instances of a new economic-social system, and a new subject of the economy and society; One that is over-individualized and is responsible for every action shim takes. And the fact is that the possibilities and limitations are beyond just the economics or financials, it is spreading all over the space and encompassing and defining every social activity in its broadest meaning.

    There is no doubt that WEB3 Wallets are an essential part of this emerging world where they not only hold your asset, but also connect you to different portals and keep your credentials as a proof of existence! So, I am not exaggerating by saying Metamask can be your gate to enter a new future!



    What are we looking for in this bounty and how are we going to do it?

    We are going to see how Metamask users stand against users who directly interact with SushiSwap and UniSwap. Well, who are Metamask users?

    As it is impossible to asses this On-Chain and with flipside database, we are going to take those who used metamask built-in swap feature as definite metamask users. We will compare these users with those who used uniswap and sushiswap without doing it through Metamask Router. This means they may be using uniswap/sushiswap having Metamask as their WEB3 wallet, but are not doing it through Metamask swap feature, but rather their own UI. Concepts we will work on:

    • How many users are swapping via MetaMask vs other platforms?
    • How much volume have these users done?
    • A comparison of transaction volume, average amount swapped, and a comparison of fees between these 3.

    Data $ Analysis

    Lets start with the most basic metric: Number of unique users on each.

    • Unique users who directly used Uniswap UI for Swapping are accounting for ~68% of all our samples.
    • Interestingly enough, Metamask users are more than SushiSwap direct Users!
    • but this has changed when comparing Swap volume (second chart); Meaning that probably Metamask users are doing lower volume swaps for whatever the reason.

    Next Stop is Average Amount Swapped which is related to previous metrics.

    • SushiSwap has most average amount swapped, meaning that a lot of Uniswap swaps have low amounts.
    • Metamask is also #3 which is not surprising since it had more users and lower volume than sushiswap.

    Next Metric is Fees paid for these swaps in each one. Since fees are in direct relation with number of transactions, lets first look at this stats.

    • overall look and ranking is similar to number of uniqe users with UniSwap at 1st Seat, Metamask at 2nd seat and SushiSwap at 3rd.
    • Following the same path, as there are more transactions through Metamask this means more fees paid comparing to sushiswap. But no where near UniSwap since it has way more transactions.


    Since we are excluding Metamask users from Uniswap and SushiSwap users, it is hard to argue for or against a certain pattern like high fees on metamask, or the simplicity. One other factor that definitely had effect on metamask user increase was and still is the fact that there were rumors around launching MASK token and airdropping some share to those who used swap feature on ETH chain. But we can surely say that metamask has gained a lot attraction and financial benefit through this feature and has the potential to become users go-to swap platform if developed proportionally.