freemartianDaily LP Burn
    Updated 2022-05-20
    with liquidity_action as (
    try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:apaa[0]::string) as apaa, date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as DATE, tx_id,
    when array_size(tx_message:txn:apas) = 2 then tx_message:txn:apas[1]
    when array_size(tx_message:txn:apas) = 3 then tx_message:txn:apas[2]
    end) as liquidity_action
    from algorand.application_call_transaction
    where try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:apaa[0]::string) in ('mint', 'burn')
    and app_id in (552635992)
    and block_timestamp >= '2022-02-10'

    select la.DATE, la.apaa, count(la.tx_id) as B_count,
    when aa.address = '54UTVEAHWMBYB4L4BNLAEJFWBUTLLERTULROEEP7774OK6FUTX4U5NX6RM' then 'usdt-algo'
    when aa.address = 'I37JDCOJCK2JSPRMV5HHFHQ54YU6J6VWCBCDNULIT5ZJWO357R2DJLGIBM' then 'usdt-usdc'
    else 'others'
    end) as pool
    from algorand.account_asset aa
    join liquidity_action la on aa.asset_id = la.liquidity_action
    where pool!= 'others'
    and la.apaa = 'burn'
    group by 1,2, pool
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