freemartianFRZ Holders Category
    Updated 2022-07-28
    with balances as (
    select user_address, balance
    from flipside_prod_db.ethereum.erc20_balances
    where contract_address = lower('0x55b1e2D8b13E7acad03353FAD58fc3FA065C5822')
    and balance_date = CURRENT_DATE
    and user_address not in (select pool_address from ethereum.core.dim_dex_liquidity_pools)
    and user_address not in (select contract_address from ethereum.core.dim_contracts_extended)
    and user_address != '0xb27198a99e3ae693f4dd14cfee89e98eaf413263' -- Merkle Distibutor
    and user_address != '0x7acd69445c8fb5e50e47fc06a897a643567a5512' -- Distributor
    and user_address != '0x573c0609a8cac30b7a8a65e3652f0511caeffd30' -- Staking Reward Contract
    and user_address != '0x392f6dfa609ad4e33494a7f8ce838901723a3359' -- LlamaPay
    and user_address != '0xf29ff96aaea6c9a1fba851f74737f3c069d4f1a9' -- Vesting Contract
    and user_address != '0xa45645ebb075a96d1c89511e28d3e9b94f3b7905' -- MultiRewards
    and user_address != '0x0fbb8d17027b16810795b12cbeadc65b252530c4' -- truefreeze.eth
    and user_address != '0xbb83d92c8d2b1523b6be79c822c20865d70321cc' -- Vyper Contract
    and user_address != '0x25530f3c929d3f4137a766de3d37700d2fc00ff8' -- Proxy
    and user_address != '0xa0b5eb5464fe4c5f4334a80267e784a961fdd865' -- Proxy
    and user_address != '0x84af3d5824f0390b9510440b6abb5cc02bb68ea1'
    and user_address != '0x000000000000000000000000000000000000dead' -- Burned Wallet
    order by balance DESC)

    select count(user_address),
    when balance < 1000 then 'Nemo'
    when balance >= 1000 and balance < 10000 then 'Dolphin'
    when balance >= 10000 and balance < 100000 then 'Shark'
    when balance >= 100000 then 'Whale'
    end as category
    from balances
    group by category
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