freemartianDebank - withdraw L2 line
    Updated 2023-12-04
    -- forked from USDC Deposit Stats @

    date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as time,
    count(distinct to_address) as Depositors_Count,
    count(tx_hash) as Deposits_Count,
    sum(amount) as Deposits_Amount,
    when contract_address = '0xaf88d065e77c8cc2239327c5edb3a432268e5831' then 'USDC'
    when contract_address = '0xfd086bc7cd5c481dcc9c85ebe478a1c0b69fcbb9' then 'USDT'
    end) as Symbol,
    'Arbitrum' as Chain
    from arbitrum.core.ez_token_transfers
    where from_address = '0xad003006ceb0934012c289d1cfdb1db915998f74'
    and contract_address in (
    and ORIGIN_FUNCTION_SIGNATURE = '0xa9059cbb'
    group by contract_address, chain, time


    date_trunc('day', block_timestamp) as time,
    count(distinct to_address) as Depositors_Count,
    count(tx_hash) as Deposits_Count,
    sum(amount) as Deposits_Amount,
    when contract_address = '0x7f5c764cbc14f9669b88837ca1490cca17c31607' then 'USDC'
    when contract_address = '0x94b008aa00579c1307b0ef2c499ad98a8ce58e58' then 'USDT'
    end) as Symbol,
    'Optimism' as Chain
    from optimism.core.ez_token_transfers
    where from_address = '0xad003006ceb0934012c289d1cfdb1db915998f74'
    Run a query to Download Data