freemartianDeposit & Withdraw
    Updated 2023-04-13
    with deposits as (
    block_timestamp::date as TIME,
    count(DISTINCT depositor_address) as depositor,
    sum(supplied_usd) as deposit_amount
    FROM flipside_prod_db.aave.deposits
    WHERE aave_token = '0xffc97d72e13e01096502cb8eb52dee56f74dad7b'
    and block_timestamp > CURRENT_DATE - 365
    group by TIME),
    withdraws as (
    block_timestamp::date as TIME,
    count(DISTINCT depositor_address) as withdrawer,
    sum(withdrawn_usd) as withdrawn_amount
    FROM flipside_prod_db.aave.withdraws
    WHERE aave_token = '0xffc97d72e13e01096502cb8eb52dee56f74dad7b'
    and block_timestamp > CURRENT_DATE - 365
    group by TIME

    select (deposit_amount - withdrawn_amount) as daily_sum, sum(daily_sum) over (order by d.TIME) as cum_sum,
    deposit_amount, withdrawn_amount, d.TIME
    from deposits d inner join withdraws w on w.TIME = d.TIME
    Run a query to Download Data