freemartianDaily Top 3 NFT Collection
    Updated 2022-06-13
    sum(price) as "Sale Volume",
    date_trunc('day', block_timestamp::date) as TIME,
    row_number() over (partition by TIME order by "Sale Volume" DESC) as rank,
    when nft_collection = 'A.0b2a3299cc857e29.TopShot' then 'TopShots'
    when nft_collection = 'A.329feb3ab062d289.UFC_NFT' then 'UFC'
    when nft_collection = 'A.e4cf4bdc1751c65d.AllDay' then 'AllDay'
    when nft_collection = 'A.f2af175e411dfff8.MetaPanda' then 'MetaPanda'
    when nft_collection = 'A.e4cf4bdc1751c65d.PackNFT' then 'Pact'
    when nft_collection = 'A.6c3ff40b90b928ab.RCRDSHPNFT' then 'RCRDSHP'
    end as collection_name
    from flow.core.fact_nft_sales
    where block_timestamp > '2022-05-09'
    and currency in (
    group by TIME, nft_collection
    qualify rank <= 3

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