Stable Coin Race In Algorand

    Flipsidecrypto wants us to investigate into popularity of 3 Stable coins that are currently available on Algorand Ecosystem. As for the method, i will take a look at Volume and Number of Transactions each have in Swaps, and also digging into why STBL is more popuar than USDT during the month of March 2022?

    Results are not unexpected as USDC is a more secure and trusted asset and users tend to trade and hold USDC over other Stable coins.


    But if it is true that users prefer USDC because of it's security so why they prefer STBL over USDT which reasonably should be the rival? to answer this question i take a look at what people do with their STBL and turned out they are mostly swap them for USDC and algo. since Algofi is the main source that people acquire STBL as loan to their collateral, this will inevitably results in more volume and transaction number for STBL while users are not willing to use STBL but this is like a gate to some Financial exposures.
