gayatridodmaniToken Analysis for Bored Ape
    Updated 2022-12-24
    with cte as(
    select m.token_id, m.token_name, m.creator_name, e.tokenid, e.price, e.currency_symbol, e.price_usd, e.block_timestamp, e.seller_address, e.project_name
    from ethereum.core.ez_nft_sales e join ethereum.core.dim_nft_metadata m on e.tokenid= m.token_id
    select cte.token_id, token_name, sum(cte.price_usd) as Price
    from cte
    where cte.token_name like 'bayc%' or cte.token_name like 'bored ape%' or cte.token_name like 'boredape%'
    and creator_name is not null
    and Price is not null
    group by token_name, token_id
    order by sum(cte.price_usd) desc;
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