gayatridodmaniTop 10 mint
    Updated 2022-11-26
    with cte as ( --common table expression used for creating a table with limited attributes
    select project_name, token_name, created_at_timestamp,, mint.mint_price, mint.mint_currency
    from solana.core.dim_nft_metadata as m inner join solana.core.fact_nft_mints as mint on

    select project_name, count(mint) as Number_of_mints, sum(mint_price) as Total_Price --We filter out from the cte to get only limited attributes for the graph
    from cte --We call the atrributes from the cte instead of the main table to reduce comuptation time
    group by project_name
    order by Number_of_mints DESC --To get top 10 we first order it in descending order and then use limit function to filter out just top 10
    limit 10
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