gayatridodmaniQuery1: Highest Amount
    Updated 2022-11-26
    with cte as ( --common table expression used for creating a table with limited attributes
    select, s.purchaser, s.sales_amount, m.project_name
    from solana.core.dim_nft_metadata as m inner join solana.core.fact_nft_sales as s on --inner join of metadata table with sales table in solana core
    where s.sales_amount is not null --we only need rows with sales amount listed for accurate results

    select cte.project_name, sum(sales_amount) as total_sales_amount --only required attributes are called
    from cte --we will use cte table as a reference table
    group by cte.project_name
    order by total_sales_amount DESC
    limit 10;
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