Folks Finance: Minting gALGO3 For Governance

    Q53. Folks Finance is a newly launched lending and borrowing protocol built on Algorand. They offer a unique liquid Algorand governance opportunity which allows you to still utilize your ALGOs in in the form of gALGO3 a token you mint when you deposit your ALGOs into their governance pool. An important note is ALGO and gALGO3 are one to one in terms of value.

    This allows you to still use the value of your ALGOs in the form of gALGO3 and earn governance rewards since your ALGOs will be placed in governance via their protocol and the staking pool. Click here to learn more:

    We want to look at the users who committed their ALGOs to this liquid governance pool and minted gALGO3. How much gALGO3 was minted during the governance commitment period? Show the total amount of gALGO3 minted during the governance commitment period over time? Show the total amount of gALGO3 minted over time by day including outside the governance commitment period. Has a lot of gALGO3 been minted outside the governance commitment period? Tips:

    The Governance Commitment Period Started March 31st 2022 12:00:00 GMT and Ended April 14th 6:00:00 GMT(For Folks Finance Liquid Staking) gALGO3 asset ID = 694432641 You will need to divide the the gALGO3 asset amount by pow(10,6) since it has 6 decimals. You can look up the number of decimals an asset has in the algorand.asset table as well! Here is an example of depositing ALGO in the liquid staking for gALGO3: gAlgo Minting Wallet Address(the wallet that will send out the gALGO3): RXI3PCQNQKI3WJ2XM4ORAJRLXLYYYJFZVCO4F3LIZD56RPPZLGX2UVQ5LU Look at the application transactions where TRY_BASE64_DECODE_STRING(tx_message :txn :apaa [0] :: STRING) = ‘m’ then look at the inner transaction(which will be an asset transfer transaction) associated with the application transaction’s tx_id(the inner transaction will have the same tx_id but inner_tx will equal TRUE) and this transaction will show you the amount of gALGO3was sent.