glass_blossomsMost popular swap pair among bot swappers in the past 30 days
    Updated 2022-05-02
    with table_1 as (select distinct(trader) as swapper,
    count(distinct(tx_id)) as swap_count
    from terra.swaps
    where block_timestamp >= current_date -30
    --tx_id = 'B635F9845C52975B5E86FB97B952056F3CF1B242987DA306F35D9A82B46C45BD'
    group by 1
    having swap_count >= 3000
    order by 2 desc)
    --limit 20

    select distinct(swap_pair),
    count(distinct(tx_id )) as swap_count
    from table_1 a
    join terra.swaps b on a.swapper = b.trader
    where block_timestamp >= current_date -30
    group by 1
    order by 2 desc
    limit 1
    Run a query to Download Data