headitmanagerAssets of new wallets beside Algo
    Updated 2022-06-15
    with total_wallets_1Algo as (select sum(balance) as more1Algo ,address from algorand.account
    group by address
    having more1Algo>1)
    ,may_transactions as (select count(distinct sender) from algorand.transactions where sender in (select address from total_wallets_1Algo)
    and block_timestamp::date >= '2022-05-01' and block_timestamp::date <'2022-05-31')
    , algorand_new_users_inmay as (select address,first_tx_date as first_date from
    (select distinct sender as address, min(block_timestamp::date) as first_tx_date
    from algorand.transactions
    group by address) where first_date >= '2022-05-01' and first_date <='2022-05-31')
    ,new_wallet_algos as (select sum(balance) as algos ,address from algorand.account
    where address in (select address from algorand_new_users_inmay)
    group by address
    having algos>0)
    ,new_wallet_Asa as (select count(*) as Asas ,asset_name from algorand.account_asset
    where address in (select address from algorand_new_users_inmay)
    group by asset_name
    order by Asas desc
    limit 100
    ,new_wallet_swaps as (select count(*) from algorand.swaps where swapper in (select address from algorand_new_users_inmay))
    select * from new_wallet_Asa