Updated 2023-01-09
    with tbl_NewUsers as
    select count(1) ,created_date from (select PAYER as users , min(to_date(block_timestamp)) as created_date from flow.core.fact_transactions
    where TX_SUCCEEDED='TRUE' and to_date(block_timestamp) > current_date - interval '90 days'
    group by users)
    group by created_date
    ,tbl_token_prices as
    select avg(CLOSE) as prices , to_date(RECORDED_HOUR) as price_date from flow.core.fact_hourly_prices
    where price_date > current_date - interval '90 days' and TOKEN='Flow'
    group by price_date
    ,tbl_top50_nft as
    select sum(PRICE) as sales_amount , CONTRACT_NAME from flow.core.ez_nft_sales
    inner join flow.core.dim_contract_labels
    where to_date(block_timestamp) > current_date - interval '90 days'
    group by CONTRACT_NAME
    order by sales_amount desc
    limit 50
    ,tbl_top50nft_price as
    select sum(PRICE)/count(*) as nft_price , to_date(block_timestamp) as date,CONTRACT_NAME as nft from flow.core.ez_nft_sales
    inner join flow.core.dim_contract_labels
    where to_date(block_timestamp) > current_date - interval '90 days' and nft in (select CONTRACT_NAME from tbl_top50_nft)
    group by date,nft
    , tbl_tokens_swap_to_flow as
    select count(TRADER) ,sum(TOKEN_OUT_AMOUNT) , avg(TOKEN_OUT_AMOUNT) ,to_date(block_timestamp) as date
    from flow.core.ez_swaps
    where TOKEN_OUT_CONTRACT='A.1654653399040a61.FlowToken' and to_date(block_timestamp) > current_date - interval '90 days'
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