headitmanagerWeekly New Users
    Updated 2022-05-29
    with newusers_day as (select count(address) cnt,first_tx_date::date as first_date from (select distinct
    from_address as address,
    min(block_timestamp) as first_tx_date
    from polygon.transactions
    group by address)
    group by first_date)
    , newusers_week as (select count(address) cnt,week(first_tx_date::date) as first_date from (select distinct
    from_address as address,
    min(block_timestamp) as first_tx_date
    from polygon.transactions
    group by address)
    group by first_date)
    , newusers_month as (select count(address) cnt,monthname(first_tx_date::date) as first_date from (select distinct
    from_address as address,
    min(block_timestamp) as first_tx_date
    from polygon.transactions
    group by address)
    group by first_date)
    , newusers_dayname as (select count(address) cnt,dayname(first_tx_date::date) as first_date from (select distinct
    from_address as address,
    min(block_timestamp) as first_tx_date
    from polygon.transactions
    group by address)
    group by first_date)
    , newusers_year as (select count(address) cnt,year(first_tx_date::date) as first_date from (select distinct
    from_address as address,
    min(block_timestamp) as first_tx_date
    from polygon.transactions
    group by address)
    group by first_date)
    select * from newusers_week
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