headitmanagerSynthetics Rate of BUSD and USDC(swap from)
    Updated 2022-07-02
    with swap_from as (select sum(from_amount_usd),from_asset,block_timestamp::date from thorchain.swaps
    where from_asset like '%BUSD%' or from_asset like '%USDC%'
    group by from_asset,block_timestamp::date)
    ,swap_to as (select sum(to_amount_usd),to_asset,block_timestamp::date from thorchain.swaps
    where to_asset like '%BUSD%' or to_asset like '%USDC%'
    group by to_asset,block_timestamp::date)
    ,swap_from_temptbl as(select block_timestamp::date as date,
    when from_asset like '%BUSD%' then 'BUSD'
    when from_asset like '%USDC%' then 'USDC'
    else 'OTHER'
    end as label
    from thorchain.swaps)
    ,swap_rate_from as(select (count(case label when 'BUSD' then 1 else null end)/count(*)*100) as BUSD_swaprate
    ,(count(case label when 'USDC' then 1 else null end)/count(*)*100) as USDC_swaprate
    ,date from swap_from_temptbl
    group by date)
    ,swap_to_temptbl as (select block_timestamp::date as date,
    when to_asset like '%BUSD%' then 'BUSD'
    when to_asset like '%USDC%' then 'USDC'
    else 'OTHER'
    end as label
    from thorchain.swaps)
    ,swap_rate_to as(select (count(case label when 'BUSD' then 1 else null end)/count(*)*100) as BUSD_swaprate
    ,(count(case label when 'USDC' then 1 else null end)/count(*)*100) as USDC_swaprate
    ,date from swap_to_temptbl
    group by date)

    ,swap_from_synthetics as (select sum(from_amount_usd),from_asset,block_timestamp::date from thorchain.swaps
    where from_asset like '%/BUSD%' or from_asset like '%/USDC%'
    group by from_asset,block_timestamp::date)
    ,swap_to_synthetics as (select sum(to_amount_usd),to_asset,block_timestamp::date from thorchain.swaps
    where to_asset like '%/BUSD%' or to_asset like '%/USDC%'
    group by to_asset,block_timestamp::date)
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