headitmanagerNumber of Transactions per month
    Updated 2022-07-02
    with active_users as (select count(1) as tcount, tx_receiver as address from mdao_near.transactions
    where block_timestamp::date > current_date - interval '30 days'
    group by address
    having tcount>=1)
    , total_active_users as (select count(distinct address) from active_users)
    , number_of_transactions_daily as (select count(tx_receiver),block_timestamp::date from mdao_near.transactions where tx_receiver in (select address from active_users)
    and block_timestamp::date > current_date - interval '90 days'
    group by block_timestamp::date)
    , number_of_transactions_monthly as (select count(tx_receiver),monthname(block_timestamp::date) from mdao_near.transactions where tx_receiver in (select address from active_users)
    and block_timestamp::date > current_date - interval '90 days' and block_timestamp::date < '2022-07-01'
    group by monthname(block_timestamp::date))
    select * from number_of_transactions_monthly
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