headitmanagerNFT Mints (daily)
    Updated 2022-07-04
    with temp as (select
    event_inputs:proposalId as proposal, event_inputs:votes as vote_count,event_inputs:voter as voters,block_timestamp::date as date
    from ethereum.core.fact_event_logs
    where origin_to_address = '0x5d2c31ce16924c2a71d317e5bbfd5ce387854039'
    and event_name = 'VoteCast'
    , top_proposal as (select count(voters) as voters , proposal from temp
    group by proposal
    order by voters desc)
    ,all_proposals as (select sum(vote_count) as total_votes ,count(voters) as voters , proposal from temp
    group by proposal)

    ,top_proposal_overtime as (select sum(vote_count) as total_votes ,count(voters) as voters ,date from temp
    where proposal in (select proposal from top_proposal)
    group by date)
    ,nft_mints as (select count(*),block_timestamp::date from ethereum.core.ez_nft_mints where
    group by block_timestamp::date )
    select * from nft_mints
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