headitmanagerswapping from native L1 assets to $RUNE for each chain
    Updated 2022-06-14
    WITH t AS (
    SELECT tx_id, COUNT(1) AS n
    FROM thorchain.swaps
    GROUP BY tx_id
    having n=1
    , swap_overtime_daily as (
    select count(1) as swap_number,block_timestamp::date as swap_date from thorchain.swaps
    where to_asset='THOR.RUNE' and tx_id in (select tx_id from t)
    group by swap_date)
    , swap_bychain as (
    select count(1) as swap_number,blockchain from thorchain.swaps
    where to_asset='THOR.RUNE' and tx_id in (select tx_id from t)
    group by blockchain)
    , swap_bnbchain_overtime as (select count(1) as swap_number,blockchain,block_timestamp::date as swap_date from thorchain.swaps
    where to_asset='THOR.RUNE' and tx_id in (select tx_id from t)
    group by blockchain,swap_date)
    select * from swap_bychain
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