headitmanagerNew users
    Updated 2022-03-06
    with tbl1 as
    select distinct tx_from[0] as all_address from terra.transactions where
    date(block_timestamp) <= DATEADD(DAY, -90, CURRENT_DATE) and tx_from[0] is not null
    ,tbl2 as
    select distinct tx_from[0] as new_address from terra.transactions where
    date(block_timestamp) > DATEADD(DAY, -90, CURRENT_DATE) and tx_from[0] is not null
    ,tbl3 as
    (select new_address from tbl2 left join tbl1 on tbl2.new_address=tbl1.all_address where all_address is null

    select count(*) from tbl3
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