Updated 2022-04-17
    with AlgoVault as (select sender from algorand.application_call_transaction
    where try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string) = 'Market: mt' and app_id=465814318)
    ,AlgoVault_amount as (select sum(balance) as data from algorand.account where address in (select sender from AlgoVault))
    ,AlgoVault_count as (select count(*) as data from AlgoVault)
    ,AlgoVault_governance as (select distinct sender from algorand.application_call_transaction
    where try_base64_decode_string(tx_message:txn:note::string) like 'af/gov1:j{"com":%' and app_id=465818260 )
    ,AlgoVault_governance_amount as (select sum(balance) as data from algorand.account where address in (select sender from AlgoVault_governance))
    ,AlgoVault_governance_count as (select count(*) as data from algorand.account where address in (select sender from AlgoVault_governance))
    ,AlgoVault_commited_count as (select count(*) as data from AlgoVault where sender in (select sender from AlgoVault_governance ))
    ,AlgoVault_commited_amount as(select sum(balance) as data from algorand.account where address in (select sender from AlgoVault
    where sender in (select sender from AlgoVault_governance)))
    ,chart as (select sum(amount) as amount,count(distinct sender) as wallets ,date(block_timestamp) as date from algorand.payment_transaction
    where sender in (select sender from AlgoVault_governance)
    group by date)

    select '1.Total amount of ALGOs in AlgoFis AlgoVault : ' as subject,data from AlgoVault_amount
    select '2.What percent of the AlgoVault Wallets have committed to governance : ' as subject ,
    (AlgoVault_commited_count.data/AlgoVault_count.data * 100) as data from AlgoVault_count,AlgoVault_commited_count
    select '3.What percent of the ALGOs in the AlgoVault have been committed : ' as subject ,
    (AlgoVault_commited_amount.data/AlgoVault_amount.data * 100) as data from AlgoVault_commited_amount,AlgoVault_amount
    select '4.How much have they committed : ' as subject , data from AlgoVault_commited_amount

    order by subject
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