headitmanagerVolume of AllDay Top 5 sales
    Updated 2022-07-02
    with alldaysales as (select sum(price), block_timestamp::date from flow.core.fact_nft_sales where nft_collection='A.e4cf4bdc1751c65d.AllDay'
    group by block_timestamp::date)
    , top5nftsales as (select sum(price), nft_collection from flow.core.fact_nft_sales
    group by nft_collection
    order by sum(price) desc
    limit 5)
    , compairtop5 as (select sum(price), block_timestamp::date,nft_collection from flow.core.fact_nft_sales where
    nft_collection in (select nft_collection from top5nftsales)
    group by block_timestamp::date,nft_collection)
    select * from top5nftsales
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