Updated 2022-11-13
    with newusers as (select min(block_timestamp::date) as mindates , tx_from from osmosis.core.fact_transactions
    group by tx_from)
    , user_transactions as (select count(distinct tx_from) ,block_timestamp::date as date from osmosis.core.fact_transactions
    where block_timestamp::date > CURRENT_DATE - 30
    group by date)
    , user_swaps as (select count(distinct trader) ,block_timestamp::date as date from osmosis.core.fact_swaps
    where block_timestamp::date > CURRENT_DATE - 30
    group by date)
    , user_transfer as (select count(distinct sender) ,block_timestamp::date as date from osmosis.core.fact_transfers
    where block_timestamp::date > CURRENT_DATE - 30
    group by date)
    , user_staked as (select count(distinct delegator_address) ,block_timestamp::date as date , action from osmosis.core.fact_staking
    where block_timestamp::date > CURRENT_DATE - 30
    group by date , action)
    , swap_osmo_to_usdc as (select count(distinct tx_id),sum(from_amount/1e6) , block_timestamp::date as date from osmosis.core.fact_swaps where
    to_currency in ('ibc/9F9B07EF9AD291167CF5700628145DE1DEB777C2CFC7907553B24446515F6D0E','ibc/D189335C6E4A68B513C10AB227BF1C1D38C746766278BA3EEB4FB14124F1D858')
    and block_timestamp::date > CURRENT_DATE - 30 and from_currency='uosmo'
    group by date)
    , swap_osmo_to_usdt as (select count(distinct tx_id),sum(from_amount/1e6) , block_timestamp::date as date from osmosis.core.fact_swaps where
    to_currency in ('ibc/71B441E27F1BBB44DD0891BCD370C2794D404D60A4FFE5AECCD9B1E28BC89805','ibc/8242AD24008032E457D2E12D46588FD39FB54FB29680C6C7663D296B383C37C4')
    and block_timestamp::date > CURRENT_DATE - 30 and from_currency='uosmo'
    group by date)
    , swap_osmo_to_dai as (select count(distinct tx_id),sum(from_amount/1e6) , block_timestamp::date as date from osmosis.core.fact_swaps where
    to_currency in ('ibc/0CD3A0285E1341859B5E86B6AB7682F023D03E97607CCC1DC95706411D866DF7','ibc/F292A17CF920E3462C816CBE6B042E779F676CAB59096904C4C1C966413E3DF5')
    and block_timestamp::date > CURRENT_DATE - 30 and from_currency='uosmo'
    group by date)
    , transfer_osmo_out as (select count(distinct tx_id) , sum(amount/1e6) , block_timestamp::date as date from osmosis.core.fact_transfers
    where block_timestamp::date > CURRENT_DATE - 30 and currency='uosmo' and sender like '%osmo%' and receiver not like '%osmo%'
    group by date)
    , transfer_osmo_in as (select count(distinct tx_id) , sum(amount/1e6) , block_timestamp::date as date from osmosis.core.fact_transfers
    where block_timestamp::date > CURRENT_DATE - 30 and currency='uosmo' and receiver like '%osmo%' and sender not like '%osmo%'
    group by date)
    , transfer_type as (select count(distinct tx_id) , sum(amount/1e6) , transfer_type from osmosis.core.fact_transfers
    where block_timestamp::date > CURRENT_DATE - 30 and currency='uosmo'
    group by transfer_type)

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