headitmanagerswap program
    Updated 2022-05-10
    with new_users as (select count(address) as cnt , date(first_tx_date) as date from (select distinct
    sender as address,
    min(block_timestamp) as first_tx_date
    from algorand.transactions
    group by address) where date>= '2022-05-02'
    group by 2)
    , transfer as (select count(1) as cnt , date(block_timestamp) as date from algorand.payment_transaction where date(block_timestamp)>= '2022-05-02' and sender!=receiver
    group by 2)
    , algorand_transactions as (select count(1) as cnt,date(block_timestamp) as date from algorand.payment_transaction where date(block_timestamp) >= '2022-05-02'
    group by 2)

    ,all_transactions as(
    select count(1) as cnt ,date(block_timestamp) as date from algorand.transactions where date(block_timestamp) >= '2022-05-02'
    group by 2)

    ,centralized_exchanges as (
    select count(1) as cnt ,date(algorand.payment_transaction.block_timestamp) as date from algorand.payment_transaction inner join algorand.labels
    on address=sender
    where date(algorand.payment_transaction.block_timestamp) >= '2022-05-02' and label_type ='cex'
    group by 2)
    ,centralized_exchanges_per_cex as (
    select count(1) as cnt ,date(algorand.payment_transaction.block_timestamp) as date from algorand.payment_transaction inner join algorand.labels
    on address=sender
    where date(algorand.payment_transaction.block_timestamp) >= '2022-05-02' and label_type ='cex'
    group by 2)
    , swaps as (select count(1) as cnt ,date(block_timestamp) as date from algorand.swaps where date(block_timestamp) >= '2022-05-02'
    group by 2)
    , swap_program as (select count(1) as cnt,swap_program,date(block_timestamp) as date from algorand.swaps where date(block_timestamp) >= '2022-05-02'
    group by 2,3)

    select * from swap_program

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