Updated 2022-11-21
    with balance_tbl as (select sum(BALANCE/pow(10,6)) as osmo_balance , ADDRESS from osmosis.core.fact_daily_balances
    where CURRENCY = 'uosmo' and DATE= '2022-09-04' and BALANCE_TYPE='staked'
    group by address)

    , proposals_tbl as (select VOTER,VOTE_OPTION,BLOCK_TIMESTAMP,PROPOSAL_ID from osmosis.core.fact_governance_votes
    where PROPOSAL_ID in (361,362,363,365) and TX_STATUS='SUCCEEDED')

    , data_tbl as (select VOTER,VOTE_OPTION,BLOCK_TIMESTAMP,PROPOSAL_ID,osmo_balance from balance_tbl
    inner join proposals_tbl on ADDRESS=VOTER )

    , more_vote_tbl as (select VOTER , count(distinct VOTE_OPTION) as different_vote , PROPOSAL_ID from data_tbl
    group by VOTER,PROPOSAL_ID
    having different_vote >= 2)

    select count(1) , case
    when osmo_balance < 1 then 'less than 1 OSMO'
    when osmo_balance >=1 and osmo_balance <10 then 'between 1 to 10 OSMO'
    when osmo_balance >=10 and osmo_balance <100 then 'between 10 to 100 OSMO'
    when osmo_balance >=100 and osmo_balance <1000 then 'between 100 to 1000 OSMO'
    when osmo_balance >=1000 and osmo_balance <10000 then 'between 1000 to 10000 OSMO'
    when osmo_balance >=10000 then 'more than 10000 OSMO' end as category from data_tbl
    where PROPOSAL_ID=362
    group by category
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