headitmanagertop 10 most popular pools wallets are minting LP for
    Updated 2022-04-27
    With pact_app_ids as( SELECT DISTINCT tx_message :txn :apid :: NUMBER AS app_id FROM algorand.transactions
    WHERE inner_tx = 'FALSE' AND tx_message :dt :itx [0] :txn :type :: STRING = 'acfg' AND tx_message :dt :itx [0] :txn :apar :an :: STRING
    LIKE '%PACT LP Token' AND tx_message :dt :itx [0] :txn :apar :au :: STRING = 'https://pact.fi/' )

    , ADDLIQ as (select count(*) as mints_count ,block_timestamp::date as apdate from algorand.application_call_transaction where app_id IN (SELECT app_id FROM pact_app_ids )
    and TRY_BASE64_DECODE_STRING(tx_message :txn :apaa [0] :: STRING) = 'ADDLIQ'
    group by apdate )
    , REMLIQ as (select count(*) as burns_count ,block_timestamp::date as apdate from algorand.application_call_transaction where app_id IN (SELECT app_id FROM pact_app_ids )
    and TRY_BASE64_DECODE_STRING(tx_message :txn :apaa [0] :: STRING) = 'REMLIQ'
    group by apdate)
    ,most_popular as (select count(sender) as wallets ,tx_message:txn:apas::string as pools from algorand.application_call_transaction where app_id IN ( SELECT app_id FROM pact_app_ids )
    and TRY_BASE64_DECODE_STRING(tx_message :txn :apaa [0] :: STRING) = 'ADDLIQ'
    group by pools
    order by wallets DESC
    limit 10)
    ,AlgoMint as(
    select count(sender) ,block_timestamp::date,
    when tx_message:txn:apas='[0,386192725,661744948]' then 'goBTC'
    when tx_message:txn:apas='[0,386192725,663924961]' then 'goBTC'
    when tx_message:txn:apas='[0,386195940,645870723]' then 'goETH'
    when tx_message:txn:apas='[0,441139422,709952618]' then 'goMINT'
    when tx_message:txn:apas='[0,441139422,685454211]' then 'goMINT'
    when tx_message:txn:apas='[0,441139422,682482665]' then 'goMINT'
    ) as pools
    from algorand.application_call_transaction where app_id IN ( SELECT app_id FROM pact_app_ids )
    and TRY_BASE64_DECODE_STRING(tx_message :txn :apaa [0] :: STRING) = 'ADDLIQ'
    or tx_message:txn:apas='[0,386192725,663924961]'
    or tx_message:txn:apas='[0,386195940,645870723]'
    or tx_message:txn:apas='[0,441139422,709952618]'
    or tx_message:txn:apas='[0,441139422,685454211]'
    or tx_message:txn:apas='[0,441139422,682482665]'
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