headitmanagerTotal fee paid
    Updated 2022-07-31
    with total_fee as (select sum(amount) as weth , sum(amount_usd) as usd , count(*) as transact from polygon.udm_events
    where to_address = lower('0x5b3256965e7C3cF26E11FCAf296DfC8807C01073')
    and symbol = 'WETH')
    ,total_fee_overtime as (select sum(amount) as weth , sum(amount_usd) as usd ,count(*) as transact, block_timestamp::date from polygon.udm_events
    where to_address = lower('0x5b3256965e7C3cF26E11FCAf296DfC8807C01073')
    and symbol = 'WETH'
    group by block_timestamp::date)
    , fee_symbol as (select sum(amount_usd) as usd , count(*) as transact , symbol from polygon.udm_events
    where to_address = lower('0x5b3256965e7C3cF26E11FCAf296DfC8807C01073')
    group by symbol
    having usd>0)

    select * from total_fee
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