Fuse Pool DAI Allocation

    In this dashboard, I find % of fuse pool DAI allocation. And I also displayed the results on a donut chart.

    # How are the tokens in the DAI Vault being allocated into the various Fuse Pools?

    The answer is displayed in the chart below:


    # Also in the chart below, we checked the allocated amount on a daily basis:
    • According to the chart above, three primary fuse pools, Fuse 6,18 and 7 are dominating patterns that we can see in the daily chart.

    The fuse 6 pool is the most highly allocated, Accounting for 43.7 % of the total.

    The Fuse 18 pool has the second highest allocation amount, at 30.9 %.

    Fuse 7 is responsible for 24.8 % of the overall allotment.

    Meanwhile, Compound, which receives 0.607 % of the DAI allotment, is the fuse pool with the lowest allocation.

    we can deduce that customers' major fuse pools while assigning their DAI vault are Fuse 6,18 and 7.

    Table of Contents:

    • How are the tokens in the DAI Vault being allocated into the various Fuse Pools?

      1. Chart
      2. Chart analysis
    • Allocated amount on a daily basis

      1. Chart
      2. Chart analysis