Arbs, Arbs Everywhere!

    Q.112 One of the core actors in the THORChain ecosystem are the “Traders” ( These traders swap at a high frequency to make a profit and are a key cog to helping balance prices on THORChain We are taking a deep dive on these traders. To do so, you have 2 options: 1) Identify the Ethereum arb bots and show their activity over time. How many are there? What is their average swap frequency and volume? Which tokens are they swapping? Are they interacting with synths or non-synths? How much profit are they making? 2) Identify a single Ethereum arb bot and show similar metrics. What is their THORChain address and what is their ETH address? Are there any other addresses that they are associated with (e.g. do they control several different addresses and transfer between them)? What is their average swap frequency and volume? Which tokens are they swapping? Are they interacting with synths or non-synths? How much profit are they making? Hint: use thorchain.swaps and ethereum.core.ez_dex_swaps (to get the profit)