Contractually Obligated


    In this bounty, the top 20 smart contracts that users preferred to interact with during the last 90 days are assessed. Herein, the number of users and transactions based on protocols are classified. Moreover, the address of each protocol is also reported.

    As can be seen from this donut chart, the top four protocols are Anchor Market, Luna-UST pair, aUST, and Binance Deposits, respectively. These protocols are accounting for approximately 50% of the top 20 protocols preferred by users. The name of the other protocols can be found in the table

    Classifying the top 20 protocols based on the number of transactions is shown in this donut chart. As can be seen, in this chart, the arrangement of the top three most interacted protocols is as same as before. However, regarding the transaction numbers, ANC took 4th place accounting for 8.15% of whole transactions done by the top 20 protocols. Similarly, the name of other protocols as well as their corresponding values can be found in the above-mentioned table.


    Ultimately, here, the top two preferred smart contracts for the Wormhole project can be found in this table.

    Moreover, the top two most interacted protocols of Mars have been extracted for the Mars protocol here.

    After Terraswap, the same things are analyzed for Prism.

    Followed by Astroport, in this table, the top two smart contract names and addresses for Terraswap can be found in this table. As you may know, Terraswap creates automatic decentralized markets for token pairs by which users can trade assets directly on-chain.

    Here, the top two smart contract names and addresses for Pylon are reported. Pylon has been designed as a convenient principal-protected payments protocol to broad appeal beyond the world of crypto natives. In this table, the number of transactions can be also found.

    Afterward, we continue with one of the oldest projects on Terra whose name is the Mirror protocol. So, in this table, you can find the top two smart contract addresses and their name for Mirror. you can find the top two protocols for Mirror sorted by the number of users. In addition, in this table, the number of transactions can be also found.

    In this table, you can find the top two protocols for Anchor, as a pioneer and one of the oldest DeFi protocols on Terra, sorted by the number of users. Moreover, in this table, the number of transactions can be also found.

    Next, another biggest project of the Terra platform, Astroport, is assessed. Hence, the top two names and addresses for Astroport are reported in this table. Besides, the number of transactions for each of the smart contracts can be also found.